Sunday, May 31, 2009

Supreme Court overturns rule on right to counsel?!

"The U.S. Supreme Court has overturned a landmark 1986 ruling that forbid the police from questioning suspects without their attorney present. The 1986 case, Michigan v Jackson, was overturned on Tuesday in a 5-4 ruling (PDF) in a similar case, Montejo v Louisiana".

This is just another shot to the heart of our liberties, another chance for the system to "catch you". Its sad, I remember asking my friend Maya, who is an Israeli but has dual citizenship in the USA, which country she likes living in more. She didnt really answer the question but she said one big thing she doesnt like about the USA is that it feels like you are getting busted for everything. Cops will use a burnt out tail light just to pull you over and find other things to bust you for. You get a jay walking ticket and if you argue how BS it is you are arested for assault on a police officer. Its just not like that, those laws are there so if it becomes an issue they can deal with it, not an opportunity to write more citations.

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